Race Part 3
In this particular video, we are talking about what YOU can do right where you are.
Crush My Fear
We are all afraid of something. Every single one of us. So we continue talking about FEAR.
Race Part 2
We are continuing our discussion on race and racism. Things are probably going to be uncomfortable. There may be some shame, some guilt, some confusion, some anger. And that’s okay. Racial justice should not make you feel good.
Race Part 1
We are diving into the topics of race and racism. Things are probably going to be uncomfortable. There may be some shame, some guilt, some confusion, some anger. And that’s okay. Racial justice should not make you feel good. If it does, we’re probably not doing it right
Health Care
There are a lot of things that don’t make sense (Purple elephants. Gaucho pants. Pea soup.) But one thing that really doesn’t make sense is that millions of people in the world don’t have access to healthcare.
Global Citizens
We live in an increasingly interconnected world.
Giving and Generosity
Imagine a world where everyone was generous. Why is it so hard to give to people in need when we already have so much? Why do we always want more?
The Power of Your Voice
You can use your voice for all kinds of things. To build someone up. To tear someone down. And even to affect change.