How I became a globally compassionate person…By Guest Blogger Carly Seifert
Before we began the process of adopting our son from the Democratic Republic of Congo, I’m ashamed to say that I hadn’t given much thought to global issues. Though always active in my church, besides an occasional mission offering, I was never exposed to cultural differences nor did I feel any type of compelling connection with others outside of my own community.
My eyes were opened exponentially when we began the adoption process from the Democratic Republic of Congo and were matched with a little boy from across the world. The adoption process convicted me of my selfishness while also connecting me to our son’s birth country in deep and profound ways. Learning his story – and the stories of so many others connected to him – has changed me in a way that is difficult to put into words. The Congolese people inspire me with their resilience and their happiness and their hope.
Through the adoption process, I also became aware of the importance of family preservation in developing countries. I am passionate about finding organizations and people who seek to empower locals and natives through education and work opportunities in order to help them rise up out of poverty and keep their families intact.
All because of my little boy, I suddenly see the world as a much bigger place, and realize that each and every one of us is connected across the world through our shared humanity. I believe that when we truly “see” one another by listening to each other’s stories, understanding each other’s pain and sharing in one another’s joys, we create a more compassionate and peaceful world.